Wednesday, July 10, 2013

An Introduction to Me


I see you have stumbled upon my humble abode where I write my inner most feelings... *pfft*

Just Joking peeps.

I'm still me, same old same old me except! I am currently working Full Time. In which line? Well.. Let's just say, it's not expected of me to be there but I am and will be around for a while.

For the up-coming months, do expect updates once - twice or even thrice weekly (depending on the number of OFF Days I have in a month.) about stuff I own, I bought, I have, I'm looking for, I want and much more. Might have a few rants here and there but nothing too serious. :)

And If you do see any advertisements around my blog, do click on or watch them as a small token of helping me. I thank you for that in advance.

Last but not least, I'm glad to be back here again... I do hope everyone enjoys my take on life as much as I do.

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